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Languages of the world

Here is a site rich in information or links related to languages: dictionary, etymology, quotes, language map, alphabet ... it also provides multilingual versions of some important texts (Human Rights, Bible. ..).


Site of the University of Michigan (USA) which offers information on different languages, imaginary (Tolkien's language) or not. Links are also given to educational resources (English), to sites on minority languages in Europe ... There will also be more theoretical or scientific aspects on the approach to languages: language theories, conferences, books. ..


Site of the Laval University of Quebec which provides a wealth of information and links on linguistic planning, on languages in the world (linguistic policies, statistics, legal texts ...) and the history of the 'English and French (from France and Quebec).


Site in English offering a database listing all the languages of the world (quantitative data, studies, statistics, maps, etc.) and technological tools on languages.

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