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Seventh EDiLiC Warsaw Congress  (Poland),  July 5-7, 2017

Awakening to languages and  pluralistic approaches in the service of learner skills


The 7th EDiLiC International Congress took place in Poland and addressed the different ways in which language awakening and pluralistic approaches are pedagogical approaches at the service of the learner. This congress took place one year after the Gyor congress in Hungary (2016) and this  was therefore the opportunity to share in the short term on research and advances in language awakening.

See the website


Description of the theme of the congress

The Le Mans Congress (2006) questioned the role of awakening to languages as a lever for the development of plurilingualism. That of Barcelona (2008) considered this trend as an integrative curricular approach aimed at the development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence.  In Lausanne (2010), the general theme was teacher training and classroom practices for all pluralistic approaches (integrated language teaching, intercomprehension between neighboring languages and intercultural approaches putting language at the heart of their concerns). The 4th Congress, which was held in Aveiro in 2012, provided an assessment of the knowledge produced in the area of awakening to languages, in particular on its modes of registration in the field of language teaching. The 5th Congress, which took place in Rennes in 2014, considered the Purial Approaches as a possible practice to manage certain sociolinguistic and educational issues in teaching, such as taking into account minority languages.

The subject of the 6th congress was inclusive, ethical and plurilingual language education. It took place at Széchenyi István University in Győr (Hungary) and was co-organized with the University of West Hungary.

As for the 7th congress, it offered participants the opportunity to discuss the way in which pluralistic approaches and the awakening of languages are approaches at the service of learners.

The presentations and discussions were organized around the following three axes: 


Pluralistic approaches in the context of learner competences in the foreign language classroom

Pluralistic approaches - learner skills in language class 

Pluralistische Ansätze vs. Lernerkompetenzen im fremdsprachlichen Klassenraum

Podejścia pluralistyczne a kompetencje ucznia w szkolnej klasie językowej


Pluralistic approaches in teacher education and their practical application in a school context

Pluralistic approaches - training of teacher mediators and classroom practices

Pluralistische Ansätze in der Berufsausbildung von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern vs. Schulpraxis

Podejścia pluralistyczne w kształceniu zawodowym nauczycieli a praktyka szkolna


Integrated teaching - methodological problems and practical implications

Integrated didactics - methodological issues and practical implications

Integrierte Fremdsprachendidaktik - methodologische Probleme und praktische Implikationen

Zintegrowana dydaktyka języków obcych - problemy metodologiczne i implikacje praktyczne

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